Heather Isle Adventures is run by Daveo and Naomi. In 2021 after spending every single holiday, bank holiday, at least one weekend a month, every month for years and near on thirty visits to the Island we decided it was time to relocate. We bought a run down, almost derelict croft house in South Shawbost, and we have been renovating it ourselves over the last few years. Now that Daveo is semi-retried he is spending his time doing what he loves best - Spreading his life long knowledge about fishing.
Daveo, former HM Forces Section Commander, Special Forces trained Reconnaissance Soldier and life long fishing enthusiast, decided to put his extensive field craft and navigation skills together with his fishing skills. He has spent the last 5 years with fly rod in hand and camping equipment on his back visiting numerous lochs all over the Isle of Lewis, living on trout and beans and fresh water from the fast flowing burns and streams.
He now wants to spread his knowledge to the world as one of the very few independent fly fishing guides on the Isle of Lewis. Join Daveo to show you local lochs on his half day guiding trips, or why not have a full days guiding or even a few days fishing/camping adventure and retrace his steps to the peace and solitude of his favourite lochs in the last remaining wilderness areas in Europe.
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